Experimental modal analysis in research
Author: Mariusz Żółtowski, Krzysztof Napieraj
Pages: 005-012
Published online: 01-12-2017
Ocena dynamiczna projektowanego kratownicowego mostu kolejowego w świetle Eurokodów
The evaluation of dynamic of designed truss railway bridge in the light of Eurocodes standards
Author: Radosław Oleszek, Mirosław Wyrzykowski, Krzysztof Grej, Jerzy Bąk
Pages: 013-024
Published online: 02-12-2017
Evaluation of degradation of bricks using FRF
Author: Mariusz Żółtowski, Krzysztof Napieraj
Pages: 025-036
Published online: 02-12-2017
Innovative buildings and structures as a means of humanization of urban space
Author: Maksim Votinov, Olga Smirnova
Pages: 037-043
Published online: 02-12-2017
Importowanie mapy zasadniczej do modelu BIM
Importing the basic map to the BIM model
Author: Andrzej Szymon Borkowski
Pages: 045-051
Published online: 02-12-2017
Cechy mechaniczne matryc cementowych i cementowo-asfaltowych z dodatkiem miału gumowego
Mechanical properties of cement and cement-asphalt matrices with rubber powder
Author: Jerzy Kukiełka
Pages: 053-063
Published online: 02-12-2017
Visual symbols of new identity in cities of modern Ukraine during the interwar period
Symbole wizualne nowej tożsamości w miastach dzisiejszej Ukrainy w okresie międzywojennym
Author: Svitlana Linda, Olga Mykhaylyshyn
Pages: 065-076
Published online: 02-12-2017
The impact of maintenance on wood column capacity of the XVIIIth to XIXth century of arcaded houses from the Żuławy region
Author: Tomasz Zybała
Pages: 077-094
Published online: 02-12-2017
Author: Daniel Pietras, Tomasz Sadowski
Pages: 095-102
Published online: 02-12-2017
A beam or a slab? Classification of structural members according to the theory of solid mechanics and engineering literature
Author: Marcin Samborski, Marta Słowik
Pages: 103-112
Published online: 02-12-2017
Podsumowanie badań laboratoryjnych piaskowca pod kątem analizy wyrywania kotwy
Summary of laboratory tests of sandstone for pull-out test analysis
Author: Jakub Gontarz, Jerzy Podgórski, Marek Kalita, Michał Siegmund
Pages: 113-123
Published online: 03-12-2017
An analysis of the impact surface roughness of concrete substrate as a factor influencing the bond strength in composite concrete elements
Author: Dominika Franczak-Balmas
Pages: 125-134
Published online: 03-12-2017
Analiza osiadania wybranych typów znaków osnowy geodezyjnej
The analysis of the settlement of the various types of geodetic benchmarks
Author: Łukasz Borowski, Agnieszka Lal, Krzysztof Nepelski
Pages: 135-142
Published online: 03-12-2017
Skały Lubelszczyzny w budownictwie i architekturze regionu – glaukonit
Lubelszczyzna rocks in the construction and architecture of the region – glaukonityte
Author: Lucjan Gazda
Pages: 143-154
Published online: 03-12-2017
Porównanie charakterystyk różnych wytrzymałości betonu żwirowego o zmiennym wskaźniku w/c
Comparison of different strength characteristics of gravel concrete with variable index w/c
Author: Stanisław Fic, Andrzej Szewczak
Pages: 155-166
Published online: 03-12-2017